Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

'Tis the season for that wonderful journalistic cop-out, the list of resolutions for the new year. In 2007, I will:

1. be patient with my students;
2. reinforce classroom procedures;
3. get my students excited about reading;
4. play tennis at least twice a week;
5. improve my backhand and serve;
6. write a new novel;
7. query at least 100 agents about my first novel (40 down, 60 to go);
8. look for teaching jobs in New England, particularly in the Boston area;
9. sock savings away for a down-payment on a house;
10. plan a wedding ceremony;
11. get married in old college chapel;
11. climb a Guatemalan volcano during honeymoon;
12. graduate from Ole Miss with a master's degree;
13. show my parents around the Delta;
14. watch the Red Sox win the World Series (okay, this one is a little out of my hands).

2007 is going to be an exciting year.


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